
Teen World
A bank of supplementary activities which invite teenagers to discuss aspects of teenage life from family and friends, education and money to hobbies, health and ambitions. All four skills are practised through a variety of photocopiable activities.

Film, TV and Music
Over 40 supplementary activities which cover three popular themes – film, TV and music. Topics range from an exploration of pop music culture, to who does what in film production, to creating a TV drama plot.

Pairwork and Groupwork
A rich resource for stimulating extra communication practice in pairs and groups. The activities cover topics that teens like to talk about whatever their level. Includes board games, role plays, questionnaires, problem solving and projects, all ready to photocopy and go!

Get on Stage!
This photocopiable resource book offers 21 original sketches and plays for young learners and teens. The book is divided into four sections: short humorous sketches, medium-length sketches, medium-length plays based on traditional stories and teen dramas. The DVD-ROM contains video recordings of three sample plays. The Audio CD contains audio recordings of plays, and photocopiable worksheets to check students’ comprehension and practise key vocabulary, lexical chunks and grammar.

Grammar Songs and Raps
Original songs and raps for presenting and practising key grammar structures in fun, dynamic and multi-sensory ways to help students remember the structures better and anchor them in their long-term memory. The book contains photocopiable handouts, and is accompanied by two audio CDs containing all the songs and raps. For each song or rap you will find clear, step-by-step teaching notes, including lead-in activities, listening tasks and game-like follow up activities.