
Student’s Digital Pack
Pupil’s Home Practice with access to all the course audio and video, interactive games, downloadable mini flashcards, mini word cards, and colouring worksheets. Available on Cambridge One using the code printed on the Pupil’s Book.
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Teacher’s Digital Pack
Deliver engaging learning experiences through a rich range of teaching materials, all available in one place on Cambridge One.
- Presentation Plus with interactive routine boards, interactive Pupil’s Book, Activity Book, Teacher’s Book, Flashcards, Audio and Video, and Games.
Accesible online for all devices and offline for computers through the Cambridge One Desktop App. - Downloadable Teacher Resources: mini Flashcards, mini Word Cards, Phonics Flashcards and Word Cards, Letters to Parents, more Festivals activities, Teacher Resources Book activities, teaching notes for the above. Also, end of year certificates, teaching tips booklet, audio and video files.
To view a demo version, access Cambridge One as a teacher and search for Greenman in your library.