
Student’s Book with CD-ROM
The 10 topic-based units offer step-by-step approach to completing the different task-types for reading and listening and stimulating speaking activities to increase confidence and fluency. A Language Reference provides further grammar and vocabulary explanations and examples while Writing and Speaking References complete with tasks, sample answers and exercises. The Student's Book includes a full IELTS practice test, and a CD-ROM containing additional skills, grammar and vocabulary exercises.
This Student’s Book is available with or without answers, and at three different levels (Bands 4-5 B1, Bands 5-6.5 B2, and Bands 6.5-7.5 C1).

Workbook with Audio CD
The Workbook features reading, writing and listening exercises for homework. It also provides further practice in the Student's Book grammar and vocabulary.
The Workbook is available with or without answers, at three different levels (Bands 4-5 B1, Bands 5-6.5 B2, and Bands 6.5-7.5 C1). Both versions include an Audio CD with all the audio material needed for the Workbook, and the ‘with answers’ version also includes a full answer key and recording scripts.

Student’s Book Pack
The Student’s Book Pack combines the Student’s Book with answers and the Class Audio CD in one package, making it ideal for students who want to prepare for IELTS on their own. It is available at three different levels (Bands 4-5 B1, Bands 5-6.5 B2, and Bands 6.5-7.5 C1).